Dallas, TX 75230 5925 Forest Lane, Suite 504
Mon - Sat 9:00 - 5:00

Curbside Drop Offs & FREE Shipping

Message from Our CEO ~Mari Thomas.

We can’t wait to see all our clients soon! We wanted to give you guys some updates on our spa during this time of COVID-19. We are currently closed until further notice. Be on the lookout for more videos on skincare survival during quarantine, updates on when we are reopening, and details on how you can get products!

NOW! We are offering Curbside Drop Offs as well as FREE Shipping on ALL our products!

If you are needing products please let us know!

During these stressful and confusing times, we are here to make sure our customers and employees feel safe and secure in their homes.

Stay Healthy & Stay Home

Phone: 214-866-0022
5925 Forest Lane, Suite 504
Dallas, TX 75230